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Dunbar's Military Heritage

Troop Banners Program

Serving in the military has always been important to many of Dunbar's families. 

Dunbar's military heritage is no more evident than it is in it's participation in the Troop Banner's Program.  


For more information about the Troop Banners project  


To download a banner purchase form 


Please contact Terry Golden first at 724-277-8554 to make sure banners are still available.

Old stone house where the Hughes Post 146 of the American Legion previously met

Hughes Post 146 early meeting location

Veterans' Organizations

One of the first veterans' organizations in Dunbar was the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) a fraternal organization and political advocacy group for Union veterans of the American Civil War, founded in 1866.

The Duncan Post of the GAR was organized in Dunbar in 1880.  The last member, Louis Smitley passed away in 1934 at the age of 86.

The American Legion, another veterans' advocacy organization has been a part of Dunbar's heritage since​ 1924.  Hughes Post 146 is the only remaining veterans' organization in Dunbar.

Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 7880 was short-lived having been organized in 1949 and disbanding in the early 1950s.

Dunbar's Veterans' Memorial

The Dunbar Honor Roll, constructed of stone and decorated with flag bunting for Memorial Day

The construction of an honor roll for Dunbar was first suggested after a civilian defense meeting in 1942 and as a result, the Victory Park Association was formed.  The site of the former Fairview School along Woodvale Street was chosen as the location for the Honor Roll.  Both Dunbar Township and Dunbar Borough School District gave a share of the property and the deed only cost $1.  Work began in June of 1943 with various community businesses donating the construction materials.  Most of the labor was completed by volunteers, with George Hostetler, Jack Hughes, and John Azariah Lehman completing much of the masonry work.  The dedication for the Honor Roll and Victory Park took place October 29, 1944.

Bronze plaque mounted on a large rock listing the names of the people who planned and built the honor roll
Bronze plaque from the Honor Roll listing the World War I veterans
Bronze plaque listing World War II veterans from H through M
Bronze plaque listing veterans of the Korean War
Bronze plaque listing World War II veterans from A through H
Bronze plaque listing World war II veterans from M through Z
Bronze plaque honoring Vietnam veterans
Viernam veterans stone memorial


Clipart scenes from the town of Dunbar

Office Phone: 724-277-8800


Secretary's Email:

Secretary's Phone: 724-277-8448

Address: 42 Bridge St., Dunbar, PA 15431

Business Hours:

Friday 10 am to 2 pm

Saturday 10 am to 12 noon

Other Times - Please contact us for an appointment 

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