Dunbar Historical Society
History, Art, Heritage
Just for Fun: Trivia and Puzzles
Trivia Answers
1. When was Dunbar incorporated?
a. 1873
b. 1883
c. 1887
d. 1889
2. What was the name of the first furnace in Dunbar operated by Isaac Meason?
a. National
b. Alliance
c. Union
d. Etna
3. What were "Bear Wallow" and "Elk Rock"?
a. Coal beds
b. Ore mines
c. Slag dumps
4. What did Bliss and Marshall make?
a. Bricks
b. Coke
c. Ice
d. Lumber
5. What was the name of the shortline railroad owned by Dunbar Furnace?
a. P&LE
b. B&O
c. NH&D
d. PA RR
Match the Person to their Profession - Answers
A. Daniel Chisholm, Sr
B. John Mahaney
C. W. J. Hamilton
D. Daniel Harper
E. E. C. Pechin
F. James T. Smiley
G. David Williams
H. Cyrus Holiday
I. W. H. Speers
J. G. H. Swearingen
2. Druggist
7. Proprietor of the Dunbar House
1. Physician
5. Operated a woolen mill
3. Superintendent of the Dunbar Furnace
6. Blacksmith
4. Wagonmaker
10. Boot and Shoe Maker
9. Proprietor of Dunbar Mills
8. General Merchandise Store Owner

Office Phone: 724-277-8800
Email: dhs@zoominternet.net
Secretary's Email: myers@zoominternet.net
Secretary's Phone: 724-277-8448
Address: 42 Bridge St., Dunbar, PA 15431
Business Hours:
Friday 10 am to 2 pm
Saturday 10 am to 12 noon
Other Times - Please contact us for an appointment